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MASHA SORIN (unveiling ceremony)

The cycle of life unfolds a bit more everyday and, as humans, we undergo countless changes throughout our lives. Some of the experiences, or changes, are joyous ones. Others may be times of great sorrow.

Within the various life-altering changes, it is often necessary to have the support and counseling of a cantor. From the most exultant event of a wedding to the most distressing moments of a funeral, a trained and empathetic professional provides support to the family. Cantor Liat is one such professional.

From the first meeting, she took the time to meet with us to create a ceremony that was true to who we were and the memory of our loved one. She was supportive throughout the process and offered choices that were in line not only with our religion, but also out cultural background.

Masha Sorin
Riverdale, NY