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From the moment I first heard Liat’s choir at Temple Emanu-El, I knew I wanted to sing with them. Liat led the group with such amazing charisma, that I was immediately drawn in. Her lively spirit impressed me, as did her exceptional musicality. Not only is her voice blessed with the most beautiful lyrical tones, but her singing truly comes from the heart.

I joined the choir soon after that. The choir was made up of mainly nonprofessional
singers like me. However, I can’t give enough thanks to Liat and her expertise as a choir director for soon shaping us into a professional sounding group.

The combination of Liat’s enthusiasm, her remarkable musical talent, and her genuine feel for Jewish music, is exactly what we need to achieve the goal of the first Hasidim: Union with G-D through music and dance! When the important events in one’s life come along and call for a celebration with music – I want Liat there to lead us in song!

Joanie Yonit Sobsey

I have been a  Baal Teshuvah since 1998. I was drawn back by the music of Shlomo Carlebach and the spiritual singing and dancing at his shul and also at B’nai Jeshurun in Manhattan. I believe deeply in the teaching of the Baal Shem Tov that it is more important to sing and dance to Hashem than all Torah study.
My beshert dragged me to Temple Emanu-El in Staten Island. I was reluctant. I only went because she had joined the choir. From the moment I heard Cantor Liat lead the
choir in song, I knew that I had found a place in Staten Island equal to Shlomo’s and BJ.
Liat’s spirited singing led me to get up and dance. Her deeply felt spirituality helped me to connect through her singing and my dancing to the Almighty.
She helped me to feel one with G-d.

Samuel Abraham Steinberg